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Draft Released: Dentist and Dental Hygienist Interstate Compact

Aug 15, 2022
Learn more about the recently released draft of the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Interstate Compact and provide feedback through Sept. 30.

A draft of the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Interstate Compact (Compact) was recently released, and the Council of State Governments (CSG) is currently holding weekly webinars to review the draft Compact and answer any questions. The webinars are held on Wednesday mornings from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM PST, and the link to watch the first recorded webinar can be found here.

To sign up for future webinars, visit the CSG website. CSG is in the process of soliciting stakeholder and public feedback on the Compact through a feedback survey with comments due Sept. 30. WSDA encourages interested members to complete the survey.


CSG is the nation’s largest nonpartisan organization serving all three branches of state elected and appointed officials. CSG has partnered with the Department of Defense, the American Dental Association, and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association to support the mobility of licensed dentists and dental hygienists through the development of this interstate compact.

An interstate compact is a legally binding agreement between two or more states that helps states coordinate or promote a common agenda. In the case of the Compact, it would allow dentists and dental hygienists licensed in one Compact member state to more easily obtain licensure in another Compact member state, creating reciprocity among participant states and reducing the barriers to licensure portability and employment.

To join the Compact, the draft proposes that states must pass model legislation through their state’s legislature, and the Compact would not be activated until ten states have passed legislation to join. The proposed ten-state requirement is based on the threshold set by other licensure compacts and equates to 20% of all states. An individual practicing dentistry or dental hygiene in a participating state is subject to that state’s regulatory authority and shall only provide services within the scope of practice authorized by that state. Additionally, in order to join the Compact, a participating state, among other things, must require applicants graduate from a predoctoral dental education program, leading to a DDS or DMD degree, or a dental hygiene program either accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation or another agency as permitted by rule. Participating states must require that applicants successfully complete a clinical assessment, require continuing professional development as a condition for license renewal, and have a mechanism in place for receiving and investigating complaints regarding licensees.

Further, the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact Commission, made up of one Commissioner from each participating state, will serve as a joint government agency and administrative body for the Compact, and will, among other responsibilities, establish bylaws as well as facilitate and coordinate implementation and administration of the Compact.


To learn more about the Compact, visit the CSG Compact website.