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HOD Election & Resolution Results

Sep 27, 2018
Find out which members were chosen for WSDA/ADA elected positions and review resolutions adopted by the House of Delegates.

Election Results

The following members were elected to WSDA/ADA positions during the House of Delegates last week. 

Dr. Dennis Bradshaw

Board of Directors
Dr. Joe de Jesus
Dr. Mark Koday
Dr. Kim Nordberg
Dr. Blake McKinley

Committee on Budget & Finance
Dr. Kristine Aadland

Delegate to the ADA
Dr. Austin Baruffi
Dr. Bryan Edgar
Dr. Bernard J. Larson

Congratulations to our newly-elected members and thank you to all candidates for the commitment shown to your profession by running for an elected position.

WSDA Board of Directors

WSDA Board of Directors

(Front Row, L to R): Drs. Todd Irwin, Nathan Russell (Secretary-Treasurer), Cynthia Pauley (Immediate Past President), Kim Nordberg, Linda Edgar, Chris Delecki (President), Marissa Bender, Chris Dorow, and Mark Koday. (Back Row, L to R): Dr. John Gibbons, Executive Director Bracken Killpack, Drs. Dennis Bradshaw (President-elect), Blake McKinley, Christine Kirchner, Ashley Ulmer, Eric Kvinsland, and Joe de Jesus.

Thank You to Drs. Ogata & Winston

Thank you to Dr. Randy Ogata and Dr. Amy Winston for their service on the WSDA Board of Directors!

Drs. Ogata and Pauley

Drs. Winston and Pauley

Resolution Results

HD-01-2018 · ADOPTED 
Rules for the House of Delegates – September 2018

Committees and Parliamentarian for Annual Meeting of House of Delegates – September 2018

  • Amended as follows: Dr. Larry Lawton replaced Ms. Mellani McAleenan as Parliamentarian.

HD-03-2018 · ADOPTED 
Acceptance of WSDA Audit For the Year Ending September 30, 2017

HD-04-2018 · ADOPTED 
WSDA 2018/2019 Budget

WSDA Dues for 2019 (Bylaw Amendment)

  • Amended as follows: The discount for full-time UWSOD faculty was extended through the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020.

HD-06-2018 · ADOPTED 
Nominations for Elective Office

HD-07-2018 · ADOPTED 
Location of the 2021 House of Delegates

HD-08-2018 · ADOPTED 
WSDA Legislative Agenda for 2019

HD-09-2018 · ADOPTED 
Staff Recognition              

HD-10-2018 · ADOPTED 
Nomination for Honorary Membership

HD-11-2018 · ADOPTED
Dental Insurance that Works

HD-12-2018 · ADOPTED
Ensuring Dental Benefits for Patients

Policy for WSDA Endorsement for Dental Professional Liability Programs

  • Amended as follows: A new resolve clause was added. It reads: RESOLVED that the WSDA Board of Directors appoint a task force consisting of an equal number of at-large members and Board members to assess the before mentioned products.

HD-14-2018 · ADOPTED
Dental Insurance Efficiencies

Please log in here to view each adopted resolution in detail.