
Latest News from Benton-Franklin Counties Dental Society

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Regulatory Update – April 2021

May 4, 2021
Rulemaking is currently in progress to amend the requirements for continuing education, dental examination content, and delegation of COVID-19 screenings.

Rulemaking is currently in progress to amend the requirements for continuing education, dental examination content, and delegation of COVID-19 screenings. More information on the status of each rule can be found below.

Continuing Education CR-101

The Dental Quality Assurance Commission (DQAC) has filed a preproposal statement of inquiry (CR-101) to consider rule amendments to WAC 246-817-440, Dentist Continuing Education Requirements. This rulemaking is in response to a petition from November 2020 that requested the allowance of full credit for self-study online CE. The current rule allows dentists to receive thirty minutes for every one hour of self-study CE, including online courses. This includes self-study by various means, relevant to dentistry, without an instructor physically present, or self-study through online CE or by mail, administered by a CE provider.

DQAC’s Dental Continuing Competency Committee will hold future meetings to discuss potential rule amendments; the meeting dates have not yet been determined.

Examination Content CR-103

A permanent rule-making order CR-103 has been filed that will amend WAC 246-817-120, Examination Content, to add the Joint Commission on National Dental Examination Dental Licensure Objective Structured Clinical Examination (DLOSCE), a non-patient based examination, as an allowable practical/clinical examination. The rule amendment will also permit an applicant to pass components of the practical examination sections using a maximum of two testing agencies in coordination with one another. This permanent rule is an extension of the emergency rule currently in place.

COVID-19 Screening Delegation CR-102

DQAC has filed to propose a permanent rule to allow dentists to delegate COVID-19 screening tests to dental assistants, expanded function dental auxiliaries, and dental hygienists under the appropriate supervision and demonstration of competency. The permanent rule on delegation of COVID-19 screening tests is an extension of the emergency rule filed Dec. 30, 2020. DQAC will hold a rule hearing to consider final adoption of the rule on June 25, 2021. Should you have any comments regarding this rule, you may submit them to Jennifer Santiago at by June 14, 2021.