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Reminder: Apply by Sept. 30 to Offset Unemployment Benefit Charges

Sep 10, 2020
Attention employer dentists: Apply by Sept. 30 to offset unemployment benefit charges from the first two quarters of 2020.

Taxable employers affected by COVID-19 may now submit an application to Washington state’s Employment Security Department (ESD) to offset some of their benefit charges instead of charging them to their experience rating. By applying to offset benefit charges from the first two quarters of 2020, employers might reduce their 2021 tax rate. Please note that the offset is not a refund or reimbursement.

The application deadline is Sept. 30, 2020.

Apply Now
Please make sure to review all of the information provided by ESD to learn more about how the offset program works, who is eligible, how to apply, and other important details to help ensure a successful application.